viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009



Banda original compuesta por Larry Fast para el visionario filme de ciencia ficcion " The Jupiter Menace" que aborda las posibilidades catrastòficas que amenazan a la Tierra en el futuro. Fuera del filme el soundtrack alcanza momentos realmente memorables de caracter sinfònico incluyendo algunos temas clàsicos de Synergy.


1. The Alignment
2. Alien Earth
3. Rampage of the Elements
4. The Jupiter Menace
5. Pueblo Bonito
6. The Prophecy - The Prophecy Fulfilled
7. Warriors (Remixed excerpts from "Warriors" on Electronic Realizations for Rock Orchestra)
8. Earth In Space
9. Ancient Gods
10. The Plunge / Earthquake Simulation (excerpt from "Sequence 14" on Sequencer)
11. Solar Observatory (excerpt from "Delta Four" on Games)
12. San Francisco 1906 (excerpt from "Delta 3/E" on Games)
13. The Survivalists
14. Cities On The Brink ("Flight Of The Looking Glass" from Audion)
15. The Mystery Of Piri Reis
16. Return To Admiral Byrd's Camp
17. The Final Aligment
18. Closing Theme ("Trellis" from Cords)

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